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  • Se avete bisogno di un QSL Manager per la Vostra stazione o IOTA DXpedition,
    non esitate a contattarmi.

    If you need a QSL Manager for the station or any or IOTA DXpedition,
    do not hesitate to contact me.

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The Team

Ivano Rigoli, I2RFJ - He was born in 1944, SWL since 1972 and licensed ham since 1974.
Active mainly in SSB, CW;
digital modes since 2001.

His antennas along these years were always DX-oriented. DXCC Honor Roll since 1987
and now has 348 entities confirmed at ARRL (mixed).

He partecipated in several dxpeditions among which HV5PUL and 9A/I2RFJ (IOTA EU-110).









Alberto - IV3BSY






Alberto Cristofoletti, IV3BSY - He was born in 1978 and got his ticket in the early 2011.

He has a strong interest in contests and he is a guest operator at IQ1RY/IO1T station for main events.

As a rookie he also discovered dxpeditioning, being member of the 9N7MD Team in Nepal.

He loves SSB and pile-ups but he’s also working hard to improve CW skills. 




Tony - IZ2ESV


Tony de Longhi, IZ2ESV
Licensed in 2002 as IZ3ESV and proudly a know-code ham.
He has been interested and involved in DXing and contesting since the beginning,
with an increasing interest for DXpeditioning.
In these years he operated as VK9LA(2009), HB0/IZ3ESV(2011),9N7MD(2011),
TM1F(EU-095, 2012), MM0HES/P (EU-008, 2012),IM0MA(EU-041, 2013) and 9A/IZ2ESV(EU-016, 2013).
He holds also a British Full Reciprocal Licence as M0HES.
His favourite operating mode is CW.


Bruno - IW3HXR

With more than 15 years of ham radio activity, he spent the first years on the VHF & UP. Then he got the HF-bite and started a successful DX career. He operated in the past as IM0MA(EU-041, 2013). He is a skilled antenna builder and he provided some of the smartest solutions for the expedition aerials. He takes care of the digimodes.




Claudio - IK3HAR
Despite his long time on the radiowaves, this is his first DXperience on the other side of the barricade.
He is an experienced VHF DXer (especially in the 6 meters band),
the expedition chef and the JT65 guru.
He likes to operate digimodes and chasing the whispers down in the noise-floor.










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